Cattle point about 10 minutes before sunrise. 15 sec exposure. I had been shooting long exposures for the water, the sky looked very dim the morning I took this. Sometimes it's really surprising how much color the camera pics up. As soon as I looked at the preview of this image I started shooting like mad. I think this one is one of my favorites so far.

Sunrise off the pier at the end of James Island Rd.

I saw a tutorial that explained some of the camera settings to use when shooting the moon. This is the result of having learned how to set up the camera beforehand. I think it didn't turn out too badly.

Full moon over the water at Cattle point. It felt so peaceful to sit on the beach with so much light coming from the newly risen moon.

Pebbles on French Beach.

This log is on French Beach. I think he looks like a giant sea turtle or something.

This boy was throwing rocks into the water at Beaver Lake. His mom was really nervous because he had no fear at all, and the water is 15 feet deep 6 inches out.

On the sea wall at Ogden point. I enjoyed getting a shot of this little lady flying over head, I think I may search for more flying shots.

This is the Fisgard lighthouse, a very cliche picture but there's a reason everyone takes a picture of this lighthouse. It has a very rich history, and I think a lighthouse really is a shining example of strength and power.

A stranger walking along French beach. I liked the mist kicked up by the crashing waves.

This is the sea wall at Ogden point. In Victoria where I live it's a very popular place. On any given day hundreds of people walk to the end and back for no reason other than the view.
I know I haven't updated this blog in a while, but I was very busy with paid work. The fact is since I had several clients waiting for their pictures I thought it would be very poor taste to be updating my blog with pictures of my personal travels. It would only look like I was not working on the products they purchased. Coupled with my monitor breaking down, it has been a long time but I'm back.
The thing I love about Victoria is the incredibly diverse terrain we have here. All of the pictures above were taken in and around Victoria, and required almost no travel time. Ten minutes for most, forty or so to French beach.
Spring time is amazing! The flowers are blooming and you are walking in the sun one afternoon, and the next day the wind is strong and the waves are crashing against the sea wall erupting in huge white clouds. No matter where I go, I will always come back to Victoria.
Amazing pictures Mike!